WP2: Haptics for communication

WP2: Haptic communication focuses on the local processing and controlling of haptic data at the master and slave devices, which optimizes the transmission strategy for networked teleoperation while ensuring system stability and high fidelity. Due to the limited network resources, it is essential to investigate signal representations and develop corresponding compression schemes that exploit the properties and conceptual limitations of haptic information. Teleoperation performance is highly affected by the haptic communication schemes and the network QoS. In this WP, we aim to develop kinaesthetic and tactile codecs by investigating adaptive haptic processing and control frameworks. This not only delivers real-time haptic communication over the TI, but also studies a wider range of latency and reliability characteristics, e.g. mimicking long-distance TI8 . 


Xiao Xu  (Email: xiao.xu@tum.de)

Eckehard Steinbach ( Email: eckehard.steinbach@tum.de)